What is Creatoom unlimited access?
Once you sign up for a monthly or yearly plan.
You will get unlimited access to all products in the menu “Scene mockups” and “Item mockups”.
You will also get 60% discount on all bundles in the “Bundles” category.
Now you can get:
16 Bundles
249 Scene mockups
4432 Item mockups
and it all keeps growing
How do I know about new products?
If you subscribe to the newsletter, you will be notified of new and free releases by mail.
We’re going to release
– 10 big bundles per year,
– 1 new scene per week,
– 15-20 new items per month.
A lot of this will be free or discounted.
How do I upgrade to another plan?
You need to cancel your current subscription and wait for it to expire before purchasing a new subscription.
Cancellation usually takes about 24 hours.
How to cancel a subscription?
After subscribing, you can see the current plan in the header and on the subscription page.
To unsubscribe you need to go to “My account – Subscriptions”. Then click on the “View” button.
There you will see the current subscription and the cancel button.
To cancel the subscription, click on the cancel button and the subscription will be canceled within 24 hours.
After that, you will lose access to download all mockups and will automatically switch to a free plan.
Where can I see downloaded files?
You can see your downloads in your account
Account – downloads
License agreement
All our products are royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects. The license grant you, the purchaser, a non-exclusive worldwide license to make use of the product you have purchased. Please take in account the rest of this license to know the details that apply to your use of the product.
You are licensed to use the product in personal and comercial work. You can create any products for yourself or for your clients. You can use it as many times as you want.
Our product can be used in an item or website template sold through a marketplace or directly on a website without attribution required (but we always appreciate if you do). You cannot however resell or redistribute our product as is (PSD files).
You can modify or manipulate the product and combine with other works and make a derivative work from it for personal and comercial use. The resulting works are subject to the terms of this license. You can do these things as long as the end product you then create is one that’s permitted at “PROHIBITIONS”.
You can’t re-distribute our products as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files, or lease, license, sub-license. You can’t do this with an product either on its own or bundled with other items, and even if you modify the item.
You can’t re-distribute or make available our products as-is or with superficial modifications. These things are not allowed even if the re-distribution is for free.
If you’re still unclear about what is or isn’t allowed under the our licenses, or you want any different licence to use our files, please contact the Creatoom.store@gmail.com team for clarification.